Electron Configurations Video Worksheet

Chemists write electron configurations to describe and communicate the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of atoms. This notation aids in predicting how atoms will join together to from chemical bonds and their behavior.

The more electron configuration practice problems you do the better you'll perform on quizzes and exams. But the key to practice is first trying the practice problems yourself and then checking you work. The online electron configurations worksheet above is designed to make it easy for you to do.

Note that there is a pattern to electron configurations. This video worksheet will help you understand the pattern. Having a Periodic Table available will also make the pattern more visible.

As you do each configuration, or choose one at random, you can watch the accompanying video to make sure you got the correct answer.

Extra Help for Writing Electron Configurations for Elements

What are electron configurations?

There are two ways to write the electronic configuration of electrons in atoms. The first is more conceptually cohesive and involves using the Periodic Table to write the notation.

Using the Periodic Table to Write Electron Configurations

The second way is more algorithmic and doesn�t really provide a sense of the periodicity and the arrangement of electrons in elements. The level of difficulty is about the same as the Periodic Table method. However this has traditionally the most commonly way of teaching electron configurations.

Using the Configuration Chart to Write Electron Configurations

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