Web Developer Interview Questions

In a world where the pace of change is rapid, most businesses (from large-scale to small scale) are turning to digital methods for selling their products and services. Therefore, Web Development has mushroomed into a billion-dollar market. When it comes to establishing an online presence, businesses around the world continually seek out web developers and designers with both technical and creative skills in order to build an engaging and attractive website. This obviously offers a lot of employment opportunities overseas, but it also means that there will be a lot of competition, making the interview process a little bit challenging. However, there is nothing to worry about. The InterviewBit team has put together a list of 30+ Web Development interview questions. This article presents a series of questions curated by hand-picking the ones most likely to be asked during an interview. Before we begin, let's understand what Web Development is.

What is Web Development?

Web Development is a combination of the words i.e., Web (refers to web pages, websites, or anything over the internet) and Development (the act of building such applications from scratch). It entails building and maintaining websites and web-based applications such as social networking sites (like Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.), online eCommerce sites (like Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra, etc.), and many more. This process involves creating a website that looks great, runs smoothly, and has a seamless user experience. Web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management are all part of this process. These are the tasks that web developers, or 'devs', perform using various coding languages. Web Developers must have a good understanding of different types of web technologies including HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), BootStrap, Servlets, JavaScript, etc. The programming languages they use will vary depending on the tasks they are performing and the platform they are using. A career in web development is highly sought after worldwide and well paid, making it a great career option. Now let's look at the most common Web Developer Interview Questions and Answers for both Freshers and Experienced developers.

Web Development Interview Questions for Freshers

1. State difference between SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and Canvas.

HTML5 introduced two new graphical elements, Canvas () and SVG (), that make your web pages more interactive and more graphically attractive. Each has its own properties and can be used to create graphic elements on web pages.

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In web pages, SVG is used to define vector-based graphics (vector image format). Unlike raster images (ex. .jpg, .gif, .png, etc. ), vector images can be stretched or compressed without losing quality. Canvas is a raster-based format composed of pixels.
SVG provides better scalability, enabling high-quality printing at any resolution. The canvas is not suitable for printing at high resolutions since it has poor scalability.
Through scripting and CSS, SVG can be modified. Modifying a canvas is only possible through the script.
The performance of SVG is better when dealing with fewer objects ( <10k) or larger surfaces.Canvas performs better when there is a smaller surface area or a larger number of objects (>10k).
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2. List the advantages of HTTP/2 over HTTP 1.1.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a set of standard protocols allowing internet users to exchange website knowledge on WWW (World Wide Web). HTTP has gone through four iterations since it was introduced in 1991 i.e., HTTP/0.9, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/2.0. In 2015, HTTP/2 was released as a major revision to HTTP/1.1. HTTP/2.0 has the following advantages over HTTP/1.1:

3. Explain CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and Write its Importance.

CORS stands for Cross-origin resource sharing. It is basically defined as a browser mechanism that enables web pages from one domain to have controlled access to resources that are located at different domains (cross-domain request). In other words, it allows scripts running on a browser client to interact with and access resources from other origins. It provides and extends flexibility to the SOP (Same-Origin Policy). A same-origin policy restricts a website's ability to access resources outside its source domain. For example, if a JavaScript app wanted to call an API (Application Programming Interface) running on another domain, it would be blocked and prevented from doing so because of the SOP. Due to restrictions caused by the same-origin policy, CORS was introduced.

When a website's CORS policy is set up poorly, it also poses the risk of cross-domain attacks. As such, it cannot prevent cross-origin attacks such as CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery).

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4. What do you mean by ETag (Entity Tag) and how does it work?

The ETag (entity tag) is a part of the HTTP protocol. This is one of several mechanisms that HTTP provides to validate Web caches, which allows conditional requests to be made from a browser to resources. Moreover, Etags make sure that simultaneous updates of the same resource don't overwrite each other (mid-air collisions).

ETags are opaque identifiers assigned by a server to a specific version of a resource found at a specific URL. Every time the resource representation at that URL changes, an entirely new ETag is assigned. As such, ETags can be compared in the same way as fingerprints and determine if two representations of a resource are identical.


5. Explain Webpack.

Webpack is a tool that bundles JavaScript modules, also known as static module bundlers. Modules are reusable chunks of code that are built from the JavaScript, node_modules, images, and CSS styles of your application, and packaged so that they can be easily added to your website. If you have a large number of files, Webpack generates a single (or a few) file that runs your application.

When Webpack processes your application or package, it generates a dependency graph, which consists of various modules that your webapp needs in order to function as expected. Based on this graph, it then creates a new package that contains only the bare minimum files required, often only one or a few bundle.js files which can be easily plugged into the HTML file and used in the application.