New Guide to Evaluate Performance

A researcher takes counts and notes in an urban plaza

LAF is pleased to announce the release of our much-awaited Evaluating Landscape Performance: A Guidebook for Metrics and Methods Selection, available for download on our sister-site

A key step in evaluating the performance of any landscape project is determining what to measure and how. Our new guidebook outlines this process and presents over 100 metrics in 33 benefit categories as potential ways to gauge environmental, social, and economic impacts.

The guidebook was developed as a primer for landscape architecture practitioners, researchers, agencies, park and land managers, instructors, students, and others interested in assessing the performance of built landscape projects. By presenting possibilities, not a prescriptive list, it is intended to be a starting point for the selection of metrics and methods tailored to each individual project and its particular goals.

Since 2010, the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) has worked with faculty-student research teams, designers, and clients to produce over 150 Case Study Briefs documenting the environmental, social, and economic benefits of high-performing landscape projects. The content and format of the guidebook draws upon the case studies and lessons learned during the case study production process. Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with us over the years.

LAF would also like to thank our Landscape Performance Series sponsors, including the JJR | Roy Fund (Founding Sponsor) and Landscape Structures (Lead Sponsor), as well as Design Workshop, OLIN, Turenscape, and EDSA whose financial support and leadership has helped with the launch and distribution of the guidebook.

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Much of what LAF is able to accomplish would not be possible without the thought leadership and financial investment of our major supporters, including ASLA, which provides over $125,000 of in-kind support annually.


Landscape Architecture Foundation

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